
Team Registration

A delegate from each team must come along and register the team prior to play. Here you can collect your Tournament Pack. There will be NO Captains Meeting.

Meadowmill Sports Center is an East Lothian Council  and as such has regulations to be adhered to We, as organisers, are responsible that these Rules are upheld and we require all participants to do their part to ensure that we will be welcome back to Meadowmill.


  • There will be a skip onsite brought in by Festiball – please put ALL your rubbish in black bags into this skip. Do not leave pitchside
  • Bar facilities will be available in the Bowling Club
  • BATS as per BSF/BASU guidance please ensure you do not bring any illegal bat to the tournament.
  • Ringer Rule If you require to pick up a player, you MUST pick them up from your own Comp OR below – there is a max of 2 permitted and they should play C/ RF. Any team requiring more than 2 players should notify Liz
  • Catering on site in the bowling club.
  • Toilets will be available during sports center opening hours.
  • Parking – There is plenty of parking at Meadowmill

Tournament Rules
1. Full WBSC rules will apply unless we have a “local rule” exception.  Jewellery will be permitted provided it is not a distraction or may cause harm to others. You may be asked to remove it.
2. Games will be timed. No new Inning after 50 min. Reversion of scores will be avoided if at all possible. Teams will be penalised for slow play.
3. Count on batter will be 0:0 at start of At Bat.
4. WhatsApp results to Liz win or lose.
5. Finals will be 7 innings in the competitive section. Intermediate/Recreational no new after 65mins.
6. If bad weather affects the tournament, the Tournament Organiser reserves the right to reformat the Tournament.
7. Home team decided by toss of coin etc at beginning of each game.
8. Once SF / F start highest seed has option of home/away.
9. Blood rule Any player with a bleeding or open wound should leave the field and have wound dressed correctly.
10. Draws permitted in Round Robin.
11. Festiball Grand Final will be at 4.30pm approx on Pitch #1
12. Courtesy runners at discretion of opposing team.
13. The event is run under the BSF U18 youth policy. Please adhere to the safety regulations as per their website.
14. No protests will be heard, until £100 fee is lodged with the TC. Disputes will be heard by CC and TC and their decision will be final. Please try to resolve any incidents at the time, as protests can have implications beyond the initial incident!!! Game protests MUST be made prior to the next pitch, ALL information should be recorded, scores, positions, count etc. The protest should be lodged immediately after the game with the TC, and if upheld the game will be replayed from the point of protest.

Competitive Section – depending on entries if possible a Comp and Intermediate  (max 2 NSL) will  be played.

Intermediate/Recreational Section – Teams will be placed  into 3 groups this year.