Resolution of Ties

2021 – Competition Regulations



a. When teams are tied after a round-robin the tie shall be resolved by following the procedure

1. With two teams tied on wins/losses, rank them by the result of their head-to-head game(s) in the round-robin; the winner is placed ahead of the loser. If a double round-robin and teams tied on wins/losses, the team with the better runs against record is placed ahead.
2. With more than two teams tied on wins/losses, rank them in order
  1. By the results of their games among themselves in the round-robin games.
  2. If still tied on wins/losses, by their runs against record in the games among themselves; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second-lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.
  3. If any teams tied by their runs against record in the games amongst themselves –
  1. two teams – by the results of their games amongst themselves in the round-robin game.
  2. more than two teams – by their runs against record in all the round-robin games; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second-lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.

If teams still tied, lowest total runs against decides placings.

b. Across Section Round Robins

 With two or more teams tied on wins/losses, rank them in order –

  1.  By their runs against record in all round robin games; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.
  2. If any teams still tied on runs against, by random selection; the first team selected is placed ahead of the others.